What's Your Skin Type?

Knowing your skin type is the foundation for any effective skin care routine. While perfecting any routine takes some experimentation, this base knowledge is necessary to prevent further skin damage and save money; no more wasting your budget on products that will hurt more than help your skin!

There are six types of skin: dry, acne-prone, oily, combination, sensitive, and normal. What are the best products for each?


If you have dry skin, it will feel flaky and tight, especially during the winter months. While your skin will be less acne-prone - because acne stems from oil - oil also keeps your skin moisturized and bright. You’ll need to use rich moisturizers to bring back the healthy balance of natural oils.


Getting a pimple now and then doesn’t mean you have acne-prone skin, but if you have regular breakouts or cystic acne, then your skin is most likely acne-prone. If you’re acne-prone, you probably have thicker oil on your skin and pores that are easily clogged. An oily scalp can also be a sign of acne- prone skin. Remember that acne is not restricted to teenagers - it can affect people of all ages. Using products with salicylic acid, retinol, or benzoyl peroxide can help remove dirt, tighten pores, and dry out acne.


Within an hour of washing your face, you can tell if you have oily skin because you can see the shine and feel the grease. Makeup may not stay on as easily if you have oily skin. If you have oily skin, buy toners, face wipes, or cleansers with salicylic acid, which will penetrate pores and remove excess sebum.


If you think more than one of the aforementioned types apply to you, you most likely have combination skin. Combination skin most often means an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and dry or normal throughout the rest of the face. Other than using a daily gentle face cleanser, treat areas of your skin according to its type. Moisturize dry patches and spot treat acne.

Sensitive Skin

Do you suffer from asthma, eczema, rosacea, or seasonal allergies? If you answered yes to two or more of these conditions, you probably have sensitive skin. Unlike the other skin types, which are determined by oil production and pore size, sensitive skin is defined by how it reacts to the sun and to products. People with sensitive skin are more likely to experience adverse reactions to products, such as increased redness, discomfort, itchiness, and even welts. To care for sensitive skin you’ll want to avoid triggering ingredients: retinoids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and glycolic acid, for example. You’ll also want to avoid fragrances and dyes. Thankfully, a number of companies have started “sensitive skin” lines for their products, and you can find fragrance-, dye-, and harsh chemical-free products in most of the common groceries and drugstores.


In this context, “normal” doesn’t mean “most common” - it just means that you’re lucky enough to not suffer from any one skin condition. Breakouts are infrequent and no area of skin is too dry or too oily. People with normal skin can use pretty much any product they like, but should focus mostly on sun protection. Make sure any products you use for full coverage also include SPF, and that you lather on at least SPF 30 before heading outside for a long day.

If over-the-counter products aren’t working for you, schedule an appointment with us today and we’ll help you design a skin care routine as unique as you!

Joba Studio